Does anybody know how to set the language for a text box?
I have tried this:
set LanguageID of theTextRange to english
but I get the run-time error that the variable 'english' is not defined ...
I've googled a lot, and tried other variants, to no avail.
Can anybody help me?
Best regards,
I am trying to change the language for all text boxes in a presentation.
This is the applescript I've com up with so far:
tell application 'Microsoft PowerPoint'
activate -- bring it to the front
set thePres to active presentation
set theSlides to slides of thePres
repeat with theSlide in theSlides
set theShapes to shapes of theSlide
repeat with theShape in theShapes
if get has text frame of theShape then
set theTextFrame to text frame of theShape
set theTextRange to text range of theTextFrame
set LanguageID of theTextRange to english
-- set language ID of selection to english uk
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1), iPhone 3GS w/ FW 3.1.2, iTunes 9.0.1
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